Formatting The Data File


The awarded degree data file will provide all students who graduated or received a degree/associate/certificate from your institution. This file should list these students with the semester/year they received the degree within a specific program. It should be provided to us each semester in order to track when degrees are awarded to students.

Local Image

Local Image

The following columns are required for this data set. Each student provided within this file should also be included in a Students.csv file. Each program provided in this file for a specific term should be included in a University_Layouts.csv file.

Examples can be found for each column in the image above or the sample file.

Column Name What data should be provided Notes
id Student ID provided by the institution This should be the school issued ID of students as provided in the Students.csv file
program_code Program code that will be used to join this awarded degree to a university program This should match the code provided in the University_Layouts.csv file
academic_period The term and year in which this degree was awarded One of Winter yyyy, Spring yyyy, Summer yyyy, Fall yyyy. Where yyyy is the 4 digit year format.
degree_type Type of degree awarded One of

Historical Data

We request that each school provides at least 5 years of historical data for this data set. This will allow us to measure the impact that project success has on student progress.

File Types We Accept

ECMC currently accepts data files only in .csv (comma-separated values) format

New File Submissions

After the historical data files are loaded into the Data Warehouse, we request that each school submit the data related to the last two semesters. For example, if a school is submitting files on 06/1/2019, the school should submit all four files (university_layout.csv, students.csv, terms.csv, and awarded_degrees.csv) with Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 data. This will allow us to validate and verify the data in the Data Warehouse and ensure the correctness of the analytics run against each school's data.

Below is a list of the upcoming submission dates with the data required for each submission:

Due Date Terms Required
6/1/2019 Fall 2018 and Spring 2019
9/1/2019 Spring 2019 and Summer 2019
1/15/2020 Summer 2019 and Fall 2019
6/1/2020 Fall 2019 and Spring 2020
9/1/2020 Spring 2020 and Summer 2020
1/15/2021 Summer 2020 and Fall 2020
6/1/2021 Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
9/1/2021 Spring 2021 and Summer 2021
1/15/2022 Summer 2021 and Fall 2021
6/1/2022 Fall 2021 and Spring 2022
9/1/2022 Spring 2022 and Summer 2022
1/15/2023 Summer 2022 and Fall 2022

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